How to manage pending payments on paypal 2024

Gone are the days whereby people visit their bank, lining up in an ever ending queue to send or receive money, but not that trivial as it used to be since the adoption of payment app the stress as reduce greatly. Payment app as such PayPal can remotely help you handle all transactions at the backend through a simple dashboard, you just need to create an account with them and you will be able to access your money on the go anytime and anywhere doing what pleases you.

So you’re already a paypal user and someone sent money into your account, instead of it reflecting and top-up the balance, a notification message was lingering around telling you to accept such funds as it is still pending.

Why claim pending payment quick?

  1. To avoid your funds being reverse back to it’s sender. So therefor all pending payment are to be accepted on or before 30days.
  2. Access to your funds becomes a difficult thing, especially if you’re desperately in need of the money.

Claiming your payments

The best is to have your PayPal account setup to receive payments automatically. To do this, you will need to email clients a link for Invoice. The invoice will have a “Process Payment” that client can click to pay instantly with their PayPal account or a credit card. Here is how to set-up an invoice: From your paypal dashboard click on Admin Tab and select “Activate PayPal Now” insert your email address associated with your PayPal account and save the settings. You can now copy the link and send to your clients for them to pay you.

Also, if you have set your account to manually claim each payments you will see the notifications then you will be able to accept such funds. Here is how: From your dashboard, click on Summary there you will see a message next to the recipient “hasn’t accepted yet” just click Approve and your payment will reflect instantly.

Reasons why you have not receive payments?

  1. Account not verified or restricted: When a user refuse to upload his documents, is account will be dormant for use or may receive payments, but cannot access it. Also, those that previously violate PayPal rules will be restricted causing payment to hangs.
  2. User have not accept the payment: On a default, newly created and larger accounts on PayPal will need to manually accept all incoming payments before it drop, unless the user already gives his consent to automatically receive payments. Must times it comes as notifications linger around your account.
  3. Technical issue: This involves issues from PayPal as such system failure, but certainly not at your end. So patience is all you got “wait” for the payment to drop or contact PayPal through their help line to confirm where the issue is coming from.
  4. Still on progress: Sometimes payment may delay and yet to leave the sender’s account. Although, it’s showing pending on your side, but not fully confirmed from the other end of the sender.
  5. New seller account: PayPal may decide to place 21 days hold on user funds, mostly affect new created or dormant accounts that has not receive payments for a while, but will be released so long the transaction is confirmed and without issues.

Canceling payments

When pending payments are left unclaimed for too long, you may decide to cancel and have your funds return back into your account. So from the dashboard click on “Activity” locate such payment and press “Cancel” if it’s there. Note: you can possibly cancel payments made to unverified paypal email and phone numbers, but not payments under reviews.

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